Justice Con 2019
October 7th & 8th, 2019
Robinson Conference Center
426 W Markham Street, Little Rock, AR 72201
Justice Con
Brought to life by the Social Justice Institute, JusticeCon 2019 brings together students, activists, thought-leaders, knowledge-seekers and renowned speakers to share ideas and inspire one another in the pursuit of social justice.
Registration open now!
Special reception and guaranteed seating for the October 7th, Dr. Ibram Kendi lecture and book signing at Mosaic Templars Cultural Center is open to the first 200 JusticeCon registrants. In partnership with Mosaic Templars Cultural Center and the Clinton School of Public Service, a select number general admission tickets are available for free to the public for the Kendi lecture and book signing only (does not include reception). All attendees must register in advance.
Angela Davis
Activist, author, and professor, Angela Davis was born in Birmingham, Alabama, on January 26, 1944, the daughter of two teachers. Active at an early age in the Black Panthers and the Communist Party, Davis also formed an interracial study group and volunteered for the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee while still in high school. At fifteen, after earning a scholarship, Davis [...]
Dr. Ibram X. Kendi
IBRAM X. KENDI is one of America’s foremost historians and leading antiracist voices. He is a New York Times bestselling author and the Founding Director of The Antiracist Research & Policy Center at American University in Washington, DC. A professor of history and international relations, Kendi is an ideas columnist at The Atlantic. He is the author of THE BLACK [...]
Raquel Willis
Raquel Willis is a Black queer transgender activist, writer and speaker dedicated to inspiring and elevating marginalized individuals, particularly transgender women of color. She is currently the Executive Editor of Out Magazine and the Director of Black Trans Circles through Transgender Law Center (TLC). In 2018, she was named a Jack Jones Literary Arts Sylvia Rivera Fellow. She's also a part [...]
Kimberly Seals Allers
Kimberly Seals Allers is an award-winning journalist, author and an internationally-recognized speaker, strategist and advocate for maternal and infant health. A former senior editor at ESSENCE and writer at FORTUNE magazine, Kimberly is a leading voice on the socio-cultural and racial complexities of birth, breastfeeding and motherhood. She is the director of the Maternal and Child Health Communication Collective, a [...]
Joel Edward Goza
After receiving degrees from Wheaton College and Duke University, Joel Edward Goza joined the staff at Pleasant Hill Baptist Church in Houston’s 5th Ward. For 10 years, Joel focused on issues of faith, race, politics and urban research. He provided leadership in urban redevelopment, immigration and educational reform initiatives, developed the Healing the Brokenness Conference that brought Christian leaders together [...]
Michael A. Lindsey, PhD, MSW, MPH
Dr. Michael A. Lindsey is a noted scholar in the fields of child and adolescent mental health, as well as a leader in the search for knowledge and solutions to generational poverty and inequality. He is the Executive Director of the McSilver Institute for Poverty Policy and Research at New York University (NYU), the Martin Silver Professor of Poverty Studies [...]
Micky ScottBey Jones
Micky ScottBey Jones - the Justice Doula - accompanies people as they birth more love, justice and shalom into our world. As a womanist, faith rooted, contemplative activist, healer, movement chaplain, certified Enneagram coach and trainer and nonviolence practitioner, Micky supports students, clergy, activists and everyday leaders in a variety of roles - speaker, writer, facilitator, pilgrimage guide, consultant and [...]
Denise W. Barreto
Entrepreneur, author and TEDx speaker Denise W. Barreto is a prominent 21st Century voice on leadership and storytelling. Whether she’s executing in her role as a business strategist and managing partner of Relationships Matter Now, LLC or behind the camera in her newest roles as an executive producer and co- founder of Serqet Productions and Media, LLC, Denise is always [...]
Carissa Rodgers
Carissa Rodgers is a native of Little Rock, AR and a 2010 graduate of Philander Smith College. She also holds a Master of Divinity degree from the Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, TX. Carissa has always had a deep desire for authentic living balanced with truth and justice, transformative learning and creative solutions for creating [...]
Robinson Conference Center, 426 W Markham St, Little Rock, AR 72201
Registration Fees
General Registration – $125
Student Registration – $50
Interested in scholarships?
A limited number of scholarships are available for students interested in Philander Smith College! Contact us to apply.
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Interested in sponsoring a scholarship for a student? Contact Philander Smith College today to learn more.
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The Social Justice Institute at Philander Smith College
Cox Administrative Building —
2nd Floor, Room 201A
900 West Daisy L Gatson Bates Drive
Little Rock, AR, 72202